Graham Corporation Launches NextGen Steam Ejector Nozzle with Successful Gulf Coast Refinery Installation, Delivering Significant Energy Savings and Emissions Reductions | GHM Stock News
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Graham Corporation Launches NextGen Steam Ejector Nozzle with Successful Gulf Coast Refinery Installation, Delivering Significant Energy Savings and Emissions Reductions | GHM Stock News

Oct 15, 2024

Graham (NYSE: GHM) has successfully launched its NextGen steam ejector nozzle with a customer installation in a Gulf Coast refinery. This new technology offers significant efficiency improvements and environmental benefits. The installation resulted in a 5.6% reduction in overall steam consumption, estimated to save the customer $270,000 annually in utility costs. The refinery also increased capacity by 3.1% and improved vacuum levels by 10.4%.

The NextGen nozzles are custom-engineered for specific applications, offering 5% to 10% higher energy efficiency than standard nozzles. They target high-compression, first-stage steam jet ejectors, where steam consumption is typically highest. The technology is designed for seamless retrofitting into existing Graham ejectors.

Graham estimates a total market opportunity exceeding $50 million over the next 5 to 10 years for this enhanced product.

Graham (NYSE: GHM) ha lanciato con successo il suo ugello di espulsione a vapore NextGen con un'installazione presso un rifineria della Costa del Golfo. Questa nuova tecnologia offre significativi miglioramenti in termini di efficienza e benefici ambientali. L'installazione ha portato a una riduzione del 5,6% del consumo totale di vapore, stimata a far risparmiare al cliente 270.000 dollari all'anno nei costi energetici. La raffineria ha anche aumentato la capacità del 3,1% e migliorato i livelli di vuoto del 10,4%.

Gli ugelli NextGen sono progettati su misura per applicazioni specifiche, offrendo un'efficienza energetica superiore del 5% - 10% rispetto agli ugelli standard. Essi sono destinati a espulsori a vapore di prima fase ad alta compressione, dove il consumo di vapore è tipicamente più elevato. La tecnologia è progettata per un facile retrofit negli espulsori Graham esistenti.

Graham stima un mercato totale che supera i 50 milioni di dollari nei prossimi 5-10 anni per questo prodotto migliorato.

Graham (NYSE: GHM) ha lanzado con éxito su boquilla de expulsión de vapor NextGen con una instalación en una refinería de la Costa del Golfo. Esta nueva tecnología ofrece mejoras significativas en eficiencia y beneficios medioambientales. La instalación resultó en una reducción del 5,6% en el consumo total de vapor, que se estima ahorrará al cliente 270,000 dólares anuales en costos de servicios públicos. La refinería también aumentó su capacidad en un 3,1% y mejoró los niveles de vacío en un 10,4%.

Las boquillas NextGen están diseñadas a medida para aplicaciones específicas, ofreciendo un 5% a 10% más de eficiencia energética que las boquillas estándar. Están dirigidas a los expulsadores de vapor de primera etapa de alta compresión, donde se consuma típicamente más vapor. La tecnología está diseñada para ser instalada sin problemas en los expulsadores Graham existentes.

Graham estima una oportunidad total de mercado que supera los 50 millones de dólares en los próximos 5 a 10 años para este producto mejorado.

Graham (NYSE: GHM)은 걸프 코스트 정유소에 고객 설치와 함께 NextGen 스팀 배출 노즐을 성공적으로 출시했습니다. 이 새로운 기술은 효율성을 크게 향상시키고 환경에 긍정적인 효과를 제공합니다. 설치 결과 전체 스팀 소비량을 5.6% 줄이는 효과가 있었으며, 고객에게 연간 270,000달러의 유틸리티 비용 절감을 예상합니다. 정유소는 또한 3.1% 용량을 증가시키고 10.4%의 진공 수준을 개선했습니다.

NextGen 노즐은 특정 응용 분야에 맞게 맞춤 설계되어 있으며, 표준 노즐보다 5%에서 10% 더 높은 에너지 효율성을 제공합니다. 이들은 일반적으로 스팀 소비가 가장 높은 고압력 1단계 스팀 제트 배출기에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 이 기술은 기존 Graham 배출기에 원활하게 개조할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

Graham은 향상된 제품에 대해 향후 5~10년 동안 5천만 달러 이상의 총 시장 기회를 추정하고 있습니다.

Graham (NYSE: GHM) a lancé avec succès sa buée d'éjection à vapeur NextGen avec une installation chez un raffineur de la côte du Golfe. Cette nouvelle technologie offre des améliorations significatives de l'efficacité et des avantages environnementaux. L'installation a permis une réduction de 5,6 % de la consommation totale de vapeur, ce qui devrait permettre au client d'économiser 270 000 dollars par an en coûts d'énergie. La raffinerie a également augmenté sa capacité de 3,1 % et amélioré les niveaux de vide de 10,4 %.

Les buses NextGen sont conçues sur mesure pour des applications spécifiques, offrant une efficacité énergétique supérieure de 5 % à 10 % par rapport aux buses standard. Elles ciblent les éjecteurs à vapeur à haute compression de première étape, où la consommation de vapeur est généralement la plus élevée. La technologie est conçue pour un rétrofit fluide dans les éjecteurs existants de Graham.

Graham estime une occasion de marché totale dépassant 50 millions de dollars au cours des 5 à 10 prochaines années pour ce produit amélioré.

Graham (NYSE: GHM) hat erfolgreich seine NextGen-Dampfdüsen mit einer Kundeninstallation in einer Raffinerie an der Golfküste eingeführt. Diese neue Technologie bietet signifikante Effizienzsteigerungen und Umweltvorteile. Die Installation führte zu einer Reduzierung des Gesamt-Dampfkonsums um 5,6%, was dem Kunden voraussichtlich 270.000 Dollar jährlich an Betriebskosten einsparen wird. Die Raffinerie erhöhte außerdem die Kapazität um 3,1% und verbesserte die Vakuumwerte um 10,4%.

Die NextGen-Düsen werden speziell für bestimmte Anwendungen konstruiert und bieten 5% bis 10% höhere Energieeffizienz im Vergleich zu Standarddüsen. Sie richten sich an Hochdruck-Dampfdüsen der ersten Stufe, wo der Dampfkonsum typischerweise am höchsten ist. Die Technologie ist so konzipiert, dass sie problemlos in bestehende Graham-Düsen nachgerüstet werden kann.

Graham schätzt, dass sich eine insgesamt über 50 Millionen Dollar über die nächsten 5 bis 10 Jahre in diesem verbesserten Produkt ergibt.

New technology reduces steam consumption, increases system capacity, and lowers carbon footprint

BATAVIA, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) (“Graham” or “the Company”), a global leader in the design and manufacture of mission critical fluid, power, heat transfer and vacuum technologies for the defense, space, energy and process industries, announced today the successful launch of its NextGen steam ejector nozzle with a customer installation in a Gulf Coast refinery. This marks a significant achievement for the Company's new technology, which was designed to offer efficiency improvements, environmental benefits and enhanced profitability for customers.

The NextGen steam ejector nozzles are engineered to reduce steam consumption, lower operating costs, and increase system capacity, allowing refineries and process plants to enhance throughput while minimizing their carbon footprint. Ultimately these benefits drive profitability, positioning the NextGen technology as a critical tool for refineries to optimize both performance and financial returns. With this launch, Graham demonstrates its commitment to helping customers meet stringent sustainability goals and emissions regulations through innovation.

In this installation, the customer achieved a 5.6% reduction in overall steam consumption, which is expected to result in the customer saving an estimated $270,000 annually in utility costs. The refinery also increased capacity by 3.1% and improved vacuum levels by 10.4%. Additionally, the reduction in steam usage is expected to cut 1,970 tons of CO2 emissions per year, supporting the customer's environmental and financial objectives.

Dan Thoren, Graham Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “We are very proud to see our NextGen nozzle technology deliver such tangible results. The successful demonstration of our R&D investments through this installation proves the value of innovation in improving efficiency and sustainability. A key benefit of reducing steam consumption is the corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions, which can have a meaningful impact on a plant’s emissions profile and carbon credit position. By optimizing vacuum systems with this new technology, we help our customers improve both their operational efficiency and profitability, while also enhancing their environmental impact.”

NextGen Nozzle Advantages:

By lowering steam consumption and improving process efficiency, NextGen nozzles also reduce downstream condenser heat loads and emissions from customer boilers, contributing to a more sustainable industrial process.

Mr. Thoren added, “According to our estimates based on the current installed base that can benefit from this enhanced product, we see meaningful potential for our NextGen nozzle technology, with an estimated total market opportunity exceeding $50 million over the next 5 to 10 years. By actively marketing this innovative solution to our extensive customer base across North America and globally, we aim to help more customers achieve significant energy savings, enhance system performance, increase profitability, and reduce their carbon footprints through seamless upgrades to their existing systems."

For more information on the NextGen nozzle, visit or watch an overview video.

About Graham Corporation

Graham is a global leader in the design and manufacture of mission critical fluid, power, heat transfer and vacuum technologies for the defense, space, energy, and process industries. Graham Corporation and its family of global brands are built upon world-renowned engineering expertise in vacuum and heat transfer, cryogenic pumps, and turbomachinery technologies, as well as its responsive and flexible service and the unsurpassed quality customers have come to expect from the Company’s products and systems. Graham Corporation routinely posts news and other important information on its website,, where additional information on Graham Corporation and its businesses can be found.

Safe Harbor Regarding Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions and are identified by words such as “can,” “estimate,” “expects,” “potential,” “will,” and other similar words. All statements addressing operating performance, events, or developments that Graham Corporation expects or anticipates will occur in the future, including but not limited to, the success and efficiencies created by the NextGen steam ejector nozzle, the estimated total market opportunity and the Company’s ability to capitalize on such market opportunity. Because they are forward-looking, they should be evaluated in light of important risk factors and uncertainties. These risk factors and uncertainties are more fully described in Graham Corporation’s most recent Annual Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under the heading entitled “Risk Factors,” its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and other filings it makes with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize or should any of Graham Corporation’s underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those currently anticipated. In addition, undue reliance should not be placed on Graham Corporation’s forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, Graham Corporation disclaims any obligation to update or publicly announce any revisions to any of the forward-looking statements contained in this news release.

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For more information, contact:Christopher J. ThomeVice President - Finance and CFOPhone: (585) 343-2216

Deborah K. PawlowskiKei Advisors, An Alliance Advisors CompanyPhone: (716) [email protected]

Source: Graham Corporation